Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our 2013 Church Anniversary

After months of preparation, the day finally come. Tomorrow is our church anniversary, each one of us in the church is involved in one way or another in preparation of this important event of our church. Many souls will be saved during this event because above all it is the main purpose of our church anniversary, to spread the word of God and glorify Him. Presentations from nursery, junior and senior class were ready. Young people and adults also have their numbers to share to our visitors. Our music team composed of piano, guitar, violin, cello and flute were also geared up to play.

I am hoping that next year, new set of instruments will be added to our music team. I am planning to donate a mandolin early next year for anyone who wants to learn to play it. I can save on rogue mandolin if I will buy it online this Christmas season. Because most of the stores online has sale on this yuletide season. I hope that next year's church anniversary will be as organized and successful as this year.

Davao City Speed Limit Ordinance

A new city ordinance was just implemented here in Davao city. It is about vehicle speed limit in Davao city. Because of recent vehicular accidents that had happened the past few months, Davao city mayor Rodrigo R. Duterte posted a speed limit on all vehicle here in our city. He is hoping that by doing this, number of accidents on the road will go down. 

Many innocent people were killed on those accidents because most of the involved vehicle was a public utility jeepney. The so called "uso-uso" or a jeepney which runs fast and always on the race with other co-route jeepneys, they are the number one reason why the Davao City Speed Limit Ordinance was created and implemented.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Music studio in Davao, soon...

My cousin visited me today and we talked about their new family business and it is all about music. A music school and a band rehearsal studio. They are asking me to bought for them online some micromark amplifiers for their band rehearsal studio because it's not available here in our city. Hopefully, I'll be able to purchase those amps and arrange it to be delivered here in not more than three weeks. Anyway, they're also looking for a location best for their studio and music school to be put up. If any of you my reader happens to be from Davao, I'd be glad if you would drop me a message if you have a suggestion regarding the future location of those projects and thanks in advance guys.