I am not feeling well. I feel itchy in my whole body. They said that I have allergies. The last food that I eat is “lechon manok”. Then, after that I feel the itch in my entire body. My cousin and neighbors said that it is “dupang”. It will just disappear for about 2 to 3 days. They advised me to take anti-histamine to reduce from itching. I hope and pray that God will get this kind of diseases sooner. I can’t work online seriously because of its itchiness. Please pray for me guys. Have a nice day to everyone!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
What Kind of Disease is this???
I am not feeling well. I feel itchy in my whole body. They said that I have allergies. The last food that I eat is “lechon manok”. Then, after that I feel the itch in my entire body. My cousin and neighbors said that it is “dupang”. It will just disappear for about 2 to 3 days. They advised me to take anti-histamine to reduce from itching. I hope and pray that God will get this kind of diseases sooner. I can’t work online seriously because of its itchiness. Please pray for me guys. Have a nice day to everyone!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Can I do it ALL?

Being a wife and a mom is not easy. I experience it right now. I need to wake up early to cook for our breakfast. After that I laundry our clothes and bed sheets then I will take a bath my daughter. I don’t think if I can do all the household chores. If I can’t do it, I will get a house maid because I have offline and online jobs that needs focus. But I am thinking of it right now because we have no extra room for her. She maybe sleeping in our dining room for temporary because the extension room needs to be fix. Gosh! I’m stress and tired of thinking all these things. Give me a break!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Night Swimming at WW
Not in Myself..
..so busy this past few days because I have pending assignments that needed to be done. My brain is empty and so what I do I listen to the music of my favorite local band M.Y.M.P. Then, after that I go back to my online job. I don’t feel writing now but I have no choice I have to do some due assignments or else I have no money. There are so many things happen to me this week. Last Sunday we went to the funeral service of my grandma, the sister of my mom’s mom. She is 83 years and so he has enough years living in this world. So sad but God has a purpose of why this things happen to us.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Life Quote for the Day
This is true Life is too short. We must repent of our sins to God and ask Him to be our personal savior. Ask God to guide our path and help us to live life to the fullest. We must learn to forgive others who have sins against us like our Almighty God did to us. We are just human and so let’s apply forgiveness in our hearts. We must love truly so that they will love us sincerely. These things I learned from being a child of God. I hope you the same.